Alan – do you remember you password for the old email list. I might be able to help.
Stu From: ALAN BERGEN Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 1:11 PM To: Stus-List Subject: Stus-List Re: Fwd: Emails Mine too. Alan Bergen 35 Mk III Thirsty Rose City YC Portland, OR On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 9:49 AM Fred Hazzard <> wrote: ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Fred Hazzard <> Date: Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 12:10 PM Subject: Emails To: Another issue have is that my sent emails that I initiate do not show up on the site until someone responds. Before I learned to look in spam for a response I thought my messages were just going into the ethers. Fred Hazzard _______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution --;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!_WMFBxO9Di0rzElU_Qvq0JPCi0wl-tCdEiQEAu1u_aUQ-4ycSqLXL8Kxrg92gJiScvs$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution --
_______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution --