The list digest is almost completely unreadable for me.  Is it just me?  See 
> On Sep 27, 2020, at 10:36 AM, wrote:
>> and every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list -
>> use PayPal to send contribution -- 
>> <>
> --000000000000116ebf05b04b93bb
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> <div dir=3D"auto"><div>Oddly, the majority are going to Spam, but not all (=
> this one for instance). I too am on Gmail.</div><div dir=3D"auto"><br><div =
> class=3D"gmail_quote" dir=3D"auto"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On=
> Sun, Sep 27, 2020, 9:16 AM Ken Heaton, &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:kenheaton@gma=
> <>"> 
> <></a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gm=
> ail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-le=
> ft:1ex"><div dir=3D"ltr"><div dir=3D"ltr">I&#39;m using Gmail and for me=C2=
> =A0
> Stu&#39;s list emails
> went to spam for one or two days and then back to normal.=C2=A0 No issues =
> since.<div><br></div><div>Ken H.</div></div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">=
> <div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Sun, 27 Sep 2020 at 01:34, Josh Mu=
> ckley &lt;<a href=3D" <>" 
> target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"no=
> referrer"> <></a>&gt; 
> wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"g=
> mail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204=
> ,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><div dir=3D"auto"><div>I noticed after the upgr=
> ade that the security certificates started showing as invalid.=C2=A0 As I u=
> nderstand it, the only thing that that means from a security stand point is=
> that there is no guarantee that the message is authentic and from the labe=
> lled sender.=C2=A0 Maybe the bad security certificate is causing everybody&=
> #39;s emails to be sent to spam.=C2=A0 I&#39;m using Gmail but as far as I =
> can tell the Stu&#39;s list emails are not going to spam for me.</div><div =
> dir=3D"auto"><br></div><div dir=3D"auto">Josh Muckley=C2=A0</div><div dir=
> =3D"auto">S/V Sea Hawk=C2=A0</div><div dir=3D"auto">1989 C&amp;C 37+</div><=
> div dir=3D"auto">Solomons, MD</div></div>
> </blockquote></div></div>
> _______________________________________________<br>
> <br>
> Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.=C2=A0 Eac=
> h and every one is greatly appreciated.=C2=A0 If you want to support the li=
> st - use PayPal to send contribution --=C2=A0 =C2=A0<a href=3D"https://www.= 
> <https://www.=/>
> <>" rel=3D"noreferrer 
> noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">https:=
> // <></a><br>
> <br>


Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
to send contribution --

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