Hi Stu


First a hearty THANK YOU for all you do.  This list is invaluable and truly 
adds to the value of owning a C&C.  Any upgrade will have its challenges so we 
just muddle along to identify and fix


FWIW I have had zero problems while you are dealing with these issues.  My 
Outlook rule keys off Stus-List in the from line to segregate all list emails


Personally prefer some means for us to contact the sender off list



John and Maryann

Legacy III

1982 C&C 34

Noank, CT




From: Stus-List [mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 9:06 AM
To: John Read
Subject: Stus-List Your preferences


I need some help.


In each email sent lately, From  says Stus-List.  Is that acceptable or do you 
want the sender’s name or something else?


Do you want the sender’s email in the headers?  As the sender, do you want your 
email address included?


Stay safe – Stu


Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
to send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray

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