I have a sen dure hot water heater. To get the engine coolant out just
disconnect the hose.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 10:06 AM Tortuga via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>

> Hi. Is there anyone out there who has a diagram, instructions, or other
> information about a Sen-Dure heat exchanger, model 2827? I have one mounted
> on my Yanmar 2QM15 engine.
> I'm eager to change the antifreeze in the unit, but where it is mounted, I
> have very little access to it. It's difficult even to see where the heat
> exchanger begins and ends. I would rather not detach it if I can avoid
> that. I'm sure there must be a drain somewhere that I can't see.
> I'd appreciate any guidance.
> Thanks
> Derek Kennedy
> SV Tortuga, 1979 C&C 30 mk1
> Ballantyne's Cove, NS
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