That’s why I asked.  If it’s plumbed into the sink drain, which is near the 
icebox and where you normally do dishes, don’t you end up pumping the same grey 
water that you’re trying to get rid off?


From: CnC-List <> On Behalf Of Shawn Wright via 
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:33 PM
Cc: Shawn Wright <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List icebox drain


My 35 used to have this, but the old pump was removed (needs a new diaphragm). 
It was plumbed into the sink drain; to be safe, you'll want to place the tee 
above the water line, and add an anti-siphon loop to avoid the foot pump 
flooding the boat if something fails. 


One of these days I'd like to re-install it to save on water.


Shawn Wright <> 

S/V Callisto, 1974 C&C 35




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