Charlie, I’m a little confused by “Blue-Sea ACR Switch” — The ACR is a separate component from the battery switch.
Since we both have 37/40s, I’ll share my setup, which you may find useful. My batteries are in the starboard settee just opposite the galley sink. I’ve heard of others who have their batteries further forward. But, since mine are where they are, I chose to put my ACR and solar setup under the sink on that back wall. My solar panel sits on the companionway sliding hatch and the wire runs through the deck to that smell access panel above the galley storage area. The wire then goes down that stainless tube to under the galley sink. Mounted there is a solar controller which sends the charge to the house bank. When it’s sunny, the voltage goes to above 12.9 and the ACR clicks on to share the share between the house and engine battery banks. Since I’m at a dock now, I also wired up the A/C battery charger down there as well, which will work the same way. My selector switch (House/Engine/Combine) is on the port side of the boat near the navigation station and is independent of the charging system. Last year, I also wired up a Blue-Sea monitor so I can see the State of Charge on everything. The shunt wiring was a bit of a bitch with the available space, but it finally worked out. If you search through the archives, you should see my posts, questions and C&C’ers answers on the project. It was quite an undertaking redoing much of the wiring and installing Trojan golf cart batteries, s well as a revamped shore-power/inverter power system, but I’m very pleased with the results. Once my new air conditioning is installed (this week and next), I’m happy to go aboard and take some pics/video for you. All the best, Edd Edd M. Schillay Captain of the Starship Enterprise C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B Venice Yacht Club | Venice Island, FL Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log <> On Jun 22, 2020, at 10:12 AM, Charlie Nelson via CnC-List <> wrote: I have a a question or two for the battery experts: My set-up is 2 house and 1 start with a Blue-Sea ACR switch which has a start/1 or all switch. I also have a Victron(?) battery monitor that lets me know whats up. Mostly I am at the dock so I have access to AC power but prefer not to leave it 'on' in my absence. I would like to hook up a solar panel to trickle charge the system in my absence and would like advice on physically how to do it. I have a MPPT controller, etc. but need a simple/safe way to connect/disconnect it and where should I connect: directly to one of the battery banks? Similarly I like the idea of an emergency battery/charger (the portable kind that keeps its internal battery charged from AC but is light enough to carry on board) that can be hooked up to get going if all the above goes to hell, Where is the best place to patch such a connection to the system for an emergency start system--presumably this same place could be used also hook in the solar panel? Thanks, Charlie Nelson Water Phantom _______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution --
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