I’m saddened by the loss of a valued member of the sailing community in 
Colorado.  Having sailed Dillon Reservoir in earlier years and after reading 
the article I can’t imagine how such an experienced sailor would have been 
allowed or chosen  to compete in a dinghy race without a life jacket.  The 
water in Dillon is always just a few degrees above freezing as it is fed 
entirely by snow melt.  At 9000’ above sea level tucked in adjacent to the 
Continental Divide, it has some of the most capricious wind and weather 
anywhere in US.  Although the article didn’t mention anything regarding a 
wetsuit or dry suit, hypothermia in sub 50 degree water with no PFD would seem 
to have been a likely contributing factor.  As tragic as the loss of life of a 
person who by all accounts was a real contributor to our sport, it serves as a 
great reminder to prepare for a worse case situation because it can and Will 
Godspeed Paul,
Chuck Gilchrest 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 15, 2020, at 11:37 AM, Randy Stafford via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> I’m sad to report we lost a very experienced and decorated sailor this 
> weekend at Dillon Reservoir.  Paul Kresge of Dillon Yacht Club had raced for 
> 40 years, and was well-known around the country as a US Sailing Judge and 
> PRO.  He went overboard racing his dinghy in rough weather Saturday 
> afternoon, and his body was recovered from 200 feet of water yesterday 
> evening.  His death represents quite a loss for the Colorado sailing 
> community.
> * 
> https://www.summitdaily.com/news/dillon-reservoir-search-shifts-from-search-and-rescue-mission-to-body-recovery/
> * https://www.coloradosummitmag.com/news-and-profiles/2019/06/racing-the-wind
> Also on Saturday afternoon, two 28-year-old men became separated from their 
> inner tubes in strong wind.  One of them went under water and was recovered 
> some 90 minutes later.  I was working on my boat in the marina, and saw the 
> South Metro Dive Team’s runabout hauling ass to the launch ramp, with first 
> responders doing CPR on someone aboard.  But it was too late, he didn’t make 
> it.
> * 
> https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/chatfield-water-rescue/73-fb01b537-5c31-4057-b284-da15d188d72a
> * 
> https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/crews-search-for-person-missing-in-chatfield-reservoir-1-brought-to-shore-in-serious-condition
> These events demonstrate that the risks are real, even for very experienced 
> watermen.
> Respectfully,
> Randy Stafford
> S/V Grenadine
> C&C 30 MK I #79
> Ken Caryl, CO
> _______________________________________________
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