Be interested to hear other comments.

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On May 31, 2020, at 2:03 PM, General Gao via CnC-List <> 

Hi everyone,

Just had an insurance surveyor come over to the boat today, it is "generally" 
good, but the surveyor did find one thing that he suggested me to verify with 
the marina manager (who has the same boat as mine, 1974 C&C Mk2). Please refer 
to the picture attached.

I put text in the picture. I had thought the bilge where the bolt is sitting at 
would be steel, only today I have realized where it says "wood" is made of 
wood. The surveyor thought the wood was loose and "rotten" and therefore the 
floor on top is not properly supported, though this is not safety related in 
his view, it needs to be fixed.

What do you think? is this something serious?

Thank you in advance.


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