Also, sometimes there is a set screw on top of the set screw for those who
like a belt and suspenders approach.


Bill Coleman


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Paul
Fountain via CnC-List
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 7:49 PM
Cc: Paul Fountain; John Christopher
Subject: Re: Stus-List Coupler removal to install Dripless Shaft Seal




Done this twice, and it's getting done now, the first time, used a socket
aligned with the prop shaft and bought some Grade8 bolts long enough to go
then the coupling halves, and kept evenly tightening them to press the shaft
out ... every time the set screw hole got to the top we added penetrating
oil. Two days, and two of us working on it it came off. Put in a drip less


Second time, I cut the coupler piece on the shaft with a Dremel tool and
replaced it. This was as part of an engine replacement.


This year, 17 years later, the dripless needs to be serviced so have a
mechanic doing it, shafts released as of today, the first time I have been
allowed to visit the boat this spring. 


Where abouts are you in Ontario?


Paul Fountain

Perception II

1985 C&C 33-II k/cb

Port Credit Yacht Club



From: CnC-List <> on behalf of John Christopher
via CnC-List <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 7:23:17 PM
To: CNC CNC <>
Cc: John Christopher <>
Subject: Stus-List Coupler removal to install Dripless Shaft Seal 




I'm trying to install a a PSS shaft seal on my 1983 Landfall 38.


got reasonable access to V-Drive transmission , got everything ready , but
could not for the life of me remove shaft coupler , its really stuck on
shaft , and of course I need to be able to remove the shaft partially from
boat to install the dripless . 


I used everything I had including a 5 ton puller on shaft coupler using an
impact gun on the puller bolt screw at one point and it never budged AT ALL.
I Heated coupler with electric heat gun still never moved ..cant use gas
torches because the transmission seal is right there and it will get ruined.


Everything requires removing coupler first to proceed foward with dripless.


Boat is freshwater all it's life, and I know they are dissimilar metals (SS
Shaft, steel coupler, bronze key (?).


Am I missing something? Is there a bolt or otherwise  somewhere that I am






1983 Landfall 38, #155

Ontario Canada


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