Please share drawings or experience with halyard screeching and/or lubricating masthead sheaves on C&C 36-1 or similar.
Main halyard sheave at the masthead makes a heck of noise when hoisting, I mean really, it broadcasts a horrific screech to the entire basin as we raised the main. Sounds like a giant dull and unlubricated drill bit drilling into stainless steel. Slowly. In fits and starts. You probably know the sound, almost every marina has one, I just wish it wasn't us. Recently went up there to retrieve a spin halyard and it seems that the sheave spins freely. It looks to be about 1/2" X 3". Anyway, while there used the edge of a popsicle stick to press in a fair amount of Superlube(R) synthetic grease and then when it appeared that didn't work followed up with a liberal amount of spray through a straw, all directed at the center shaft. Waited a few weeks in hopes that it would work it's way in and cure the squeak but it hasn't happened so far. Still raising heII when raising. I already purchased all the 36-1 drawings that Doug could find from the Marine Museum in Kingston ON, but none of a masthead detail. Similar might be helpful. Any help is appreciated. -- Tim Rutherford 1981 C&C 36-1 Chamamé Tampa, FL Chamamé & Crew at Hospice Cup '19 <>
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