Hope all these precautions bring happy results for us all

I've been using blue painter's tape, but it will eventually let water
through if it gets wet enough.

Duct tape keeps the water out, but I need to take it up and replace it
every couple days. I've got the first 2 coats of 3 down and want to try to
avoid using chemicals on it before the paint gets a long cure. It's just a
one-part polyurethane -- TotalBoat Wet Edge from Jamestown Distributors.

Shawn wrote:

For plugging those holes, Tuck tape used for construction works well,
> although it will leave a residue, but I assume a solvent will remove it. I
> have lots of holes covered with it right now also. It is very sticky, and
> only a small piece is needed for each hole, or use it to hold plastic over
> larger sections (like my engine control panel that is removed).

> I'd written:
>> I'm in the middle of painting my decks/cabin/cockpit and have all the
>> deck hardware removed (including cleats -- my dock lines are currently ties
>> to the toe rail) so there are a lot of holes to keep covered.

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