I was sailing to Hawaii on a 1973 Ericsson 35. We snapped a rudder cable twice 
in 24 hours, and had to use the e-tiller. Worked great, except for the compass 
being mounted behind the rudder post. On that boat the binnacle is mounted 
behind the rudder post.  When the first cable snapped, on my watch, we tried 
sailing to the chart plotter. Too much lag to keep a course, and no reference 
points to keep an eye on. We hoove to, replaced 1 cable. I asked the capt if 
the other cable was ok. He said yes. Next morning on his watch that cable 
broke. This time in 16 ft seas, as to the 4 ft before. Thank God he had plenty 
of spare cable on board. Doug Mountjoysv Rebecca Leah C&C Landfall 39Port 
Orchard yacht club

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