Go to the Raymarine web site. There you may find special sales on refurbished instrument packages. They come with a warranty, and look like new.
Alan Bergen 35 Mk III Thirsty Rose City YC Portland, OR On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 12:11 PM Lisle Kingery, PhD via CnC-List < cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: > Hello all, > > I have been a lurker on the list for 3 years now, was seriously > considering a C&C 30 in 2017 but ended up buying a 1986 Caliber 28 in > August, 2018. > > Despite not landing on a C&C, I continue to actively follow the posts on > the listserv as I have found them most useful and I don't do Facebook, and > I would appreciate, although not being a C&C owner, if folks on the list > have thoughts they would be interested in sharing on the issue below. > > The project I'm doing is replacing old and slightly leaking knot meter and > depth sounder. There was a copious amount of LifeCalk applied around the > fittings inside the boat and at launch last spring there was a very very > small leak that was stopped for the season with yet more application of > LIfeCalk. > > The boat has 2 thru hulls forward of the keel and the knot meter hole size > is 2-1/8" as it is an old SR Mariner knot meter with a flanged fitting. The > depth sounder is an old DataMarine Corinthian II model with a 2" Thru Hull > hole, no flange. > > The issue I'm facing is that after I removed the Thru Hull fittings, it > appears that the hole for the knot meter is flanged at about a 45' angle > and the SR Mariner Thru Hull fitting is flanged at 30" so there is a bit of > wiggle room so to speak and it's not as flush as I would think it should > be. It's the original unit as far as I know so it apparently was fine for > many years. > > My question is - is there a way I can try and "build up" the area around > the flange so that the fitting fits more closely, or is this sort of > clearance OK to leave as is with the assumption that the sealant is capable > of filling this void without significant concern of failing assuming it's > applied properly. > > Also, if anyone has thoughts on what best NMEA 2000 package to put in for > depth, speed, and wind, I would be interested in thoughts there as well. > I'm looking at Garmin and B&G thus far. The old Stowe anemometer doesn't > work so I'm planning on upgrading the entire system. > > Thank you, > > Lisle > _______________________________________________ > > Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each > and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - > use PayPal to send contribution -- > https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.paypal.me/stumurray__;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!7-ZXqOh2bcECWmQjoS_NT2OOR2VoCrEGlGoX57rGNn1JkApr5SUffm-GbLkDqdq0uOE$ > >
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