Marine Beam Shark Eye LED Navigation Lights - Stainless Steel

On Wed, 5 Feb 2020 at 08:21, schiller via CnC-List <>

> Shawn,
> You can get LED teardrop bow lights from  We replaced the
> bow lights on Glenn Gambels C&C 36 with a pair.  I am always impressed with
> the intensity of them.
> I replaced my pulpit mounted lights and teaming/deck with Marine Beam
> lights.  I haven't replaced the masthead tri-color yet.
> I have also replaced my interior square bulbs with the red/white LEDs.
> Still planning on replacing the reading light bulbs and fluorescent tubes.
> I am a big fan of marine beam.
> Neil Schiller
> C&C 35-3, #028, "Grace"
> Whitehall, Michigan
> On 2/4/2020 11:06 PM, Shawn Wright via CnC-List wrote:
> Sorry, a bit confusing. Yes, I have two sets of bow lights - the original
> in-hull "eye" lights which are currently not functional, and a bi-colour
> light hanging from the pulpit, which I don't like. I have new bulb holders
> for the original lights, so I will try to get them going again, or at least
> that's the plan. First, I want to do a hose test on them to see if they
> leak, as I suspect they do. If they can't be sealed well enough, they may
> have to go also...
> Alternatively, I need to replace the pulpit with a welded one, as the
> original is in rough shape and the bronze fittings are worn out. I have
> seen some nice compact LED bow lights integrated into newer pulpits, so
> that is an option too.
> --
> Shawn Wright
> S/V Callisto, 1974 C&C 35
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 7:12 PM Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
>> Shawn,
>> I think I might be missing something.  Are you planning to remove the
>> light from the bow pulpit or the stern pulpit?
>> As I read it "although I plan to delete the pulpit light and re-activate
>> the original bow lights" it almost sounds like you are referring to 2
>> different sets of red and green lights at the bow?
>> If you are removing the white light on the stern pulpit that shines 135°
>> abaft the beam then what will you replace it with?  Hopefully not planning
>> on using the white light from the tri-color?
>> Josh Muckley
>> S/V Sea Hawk
>> 1989 C&C 37+
>> Solomons, MD
>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020, 9:57 PM Shawn Wright via CnC-List <
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks, that makes sense to maintain both (although I plan to delete the
>>> pulpit light and re-activate the original bow lights). I wasn't aware the
>>> tri-light provides the aft light, but that makes sense.
>>> --
>>> Shawn Wright
>>> S/V Callisto, 1974 C&C 35
>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 9:59 AM Neil Andersen <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> What is required and what is smart are not always the same.  A masthead
>>>> tri-color is not what I would use here in the Chesapeake as many
>>>> (power)boaters don’t look up.  At sea, I wouldn’t use anything else.
>>>> You can’t use both at the same time, but you can have both on your boat
>>>> and use what is appropriate for where you are.
>>>> By the way, the tri-color provides the aft facing white light.
>>>> Neil A
>>>> 1982 C&C FoxFire 32
>>>> Rock Hall, MD
>>>> Neil Andersen
>>>> 20691 Jamieson Rd
>>>> Rock Hall, MD 21661
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* CnC-List <> on behalf of Shawn
>>>> Wright via CnC-List <>
>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 4, 2020 12:27 PM
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Cc:* Shawn Wright
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List New thought re: anchor light?
>>>> Our boat came with a new Davis LED anchor light, but I haven't pulled
>>>> or been up the mast yet, so I attached it to one side of our solar arch,
>>>> just above the panels, and we just run a cord with an accessory plug when
>>>> required. We've been out in the dinghy at night, and it's clearly visible
>>>> all around, unless you're quite close on the side that is blocked by the
>>>> panels. I plan to move it to the masthead soon, but all this talk of
>>>> tri-lights has me thinking about that option too. A tri-light meets the
>>>> requirements for both bow lights and an anchor light, correct? So I just
>>>> need a steaming light, and a stern light? (which I have). I don't like the
>>>> pulpit mounted bow light I have (flimsy and a spinnaker magnet), and the
>>>> in-hull bow lights are not functional at the moment.
>>>> --
>>>> Shawn Wright
>>>> S/V Callisto, 1974 C&C 35
>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 7:50 AM Bruce Whitmore via CnC-List <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> I read through your thoughtful responses, and realized the plastic
>>>>> lens up there is probably crazed/cracked suggesting full replacement.
>>>>> Then, it occurred to me that I don't like the idea of an anchor light
>>>>> 55+ feet up in the air.  Unless you know you're in an anchorage, it would
>>>>> be very easy to confuse the light (especially new, 600K bright LEDs) with
>>>>> background stars.  I also think most people don't look for lights that 
>>>>> high
>>>>> up in the sky - Especially folks in dinghies and power boats.  :)
>>>>> That led me to ask myself - Why not just mount a new light to the top
>>>>> of the bimini or some other more visible place?  I have a stainless steel
>>>>> mount for an old exterior satellite radio antenna I no longer use, so I
>>>>> could easily mount and wire it, and in the process make it more likely 
>>>>> that
>>>>> folks motoring around the anchorage would see my boat.
>>>>> Everything I see indicates this would be COLREG requirements.
>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>> Bruce Whitmore
>>>>> (847) 404-5092 (mobile)
>>>>> On Monday, February 3, 2020, 11:36:51 PM EST, Len Mitchell <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Bruce, our 1989 37+ had an Aqua signal tri light with strobe. Last
>>>>> summer I replaced it with another aqua signal LED tri light, without the
>>>>> strobe. It works great and it’s visible from a great distance but there 
>>>>> are
>>>>> many choices. Yours is probably an aqua signal but no guarantees. If it’s 
>>>>> a
>>>>> light on a stick, it is probably the same as Ken’s. I would consider new
>>>>> rather than retrofitting an LED bulb, my plastic was brittle and crazed. I
>>>>> would also want to maximize visibility and minimize power draw which may 
>>>>> be
>>>>> easier and more efficient going with a new fixture.
>>>>> Len Mitchell
>>>>> Crazy Legs
>>>>> Midland On.
>>>>> Sent from my iPad
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