I have been drilling a half inch hole in the hull at the lowest point in
the bilge for years and plugging same hole each year before launch with
epoxy putty. No problems yet and my boat winters well with open ports under
the tarp. I store my upholstered cushions on board and on edge every
winter. Biggest cocern is rodents but so far so good

On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 9:04 AM CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> I wrestled with this idea of garboard drains.  West Marine sells a bronze
> fitting for it.
> I never liked the way the plug stuck out underwater.  I found it better to
> just wet vac the water out of the bilge when I lay up the boat in the
> fall.  My boat is 2.5 hrs from my house but during the winter, I pick a
> warm day each month, (temperature above freezing) and drive down and plug
> in my charger to top off the batteries, mop out the bilge under the mast
> and do some chores.  It's very little water, that would never find it's way
> to a sump, and takes only a few minutes with a sponge to wipe dry.  When
> she's overwintered in the water, I used the same method and dry the bilge.
> This is a big  improvement over adding pink chemicals to the bilge.
> This weekend will be 65 degrees in NJ and Pasadena, perfect to check on
> the boat.
> The wet vac is a must.  I bought a little one, 5Hp motor x 5 gallon for
> about $50 with an 18' hose.  I glued a piece of carpet on the bottom so it
> can sit on my deck or on the teak and holly floor without scratching it.
> The long hose allows  me to set it in the cockpit and run the hose to the
> front of the cabin area.
> Chuck Scheaffer, Resolute, 1989 C&C 34R, Pasadena, Md
> > On January 9, 2020 at 10:37 PM Nathan Post via CnC-List <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Has anyone tried a garboard plug on a centerboard version C&C keel?
> Where did you put it?  I like the idea of keeping the bilge dry in the
> winter on the hard but am not sure how well it would work with the
> flat/wide bilge on the boat with the keel bolts down each side.  Where
> would I put it?  It would almost be ideal if I could go straight down the
> into the center board trunk but not sure if that would work (how long would
> the hole have to be?) or how to plug it. Thoughts?
> >
> > - -
> > Nathan Post
> > S/V Wisper
> > 1981 C&C 34 CB
> > Lynn, MA USA
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