Still looking for help with our actual need: opening the space where our 
v-berth hatch is!
Regarding comments, the roughneck unit is designed for harsh use, is marine 
grade, 13,500 btu and ratings over 4.2 so I’m surprised folks think it is a 
disaster already! 
The unsaid background is this: Joy wanted A/C whereas I did not; our compromise 
was to at least be able to air condition the v-berth (very few cubic feet of 
air since most of it is 40” tall) and anything beyond that is a bonus. We are 
retired travelers so we can pick our desired climate for any particular season. 
We will only be at marinas 1/3 of the time so we needed a unit that will not 
interfere with sailing or moving around the boat (so “no” to any companionway 
ideas) and could be run off our Honda generator. I also did not want major 
changes to the boat in case we decided to not need an A/C later on. So the $900 
is more expensive than window shakers but with lots of upside possibilities and 
much less expensive than invasive A/C systems. 
Thanks for all the comments so far. 
Joy & Will C&C41 Costume Change, in Portland Maine until May


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