I was an IRC measurer  for a for a few years, when IRC was just gaining 
popularity in the USIRC is a measurement rule, and requires that boats be 
measured or for production boats that the manufacturer certify the empty 
weights.IRC required that we weigh  boats from a single calibrated load cell 
hanging from a crane. For a while they also allowed us to use 4 calibrated 
truck scales, one under each.wheel of a travel lift.We would weigh the travel 
lift first, then weigh the boat in the travel lift,, the subtracting out the 
weight of the travel lift to compute the empty boat weight. Later they 
discouraged the use of truck scalesThey  never would allow us to use the travel 
lift built in scales. They we deemed too inaccurate, and depending on the 
system we dependent on the angle of the slings in the lift.
Certified class boats were usually within 1 or 2 % of the Manufactures numbers. 
C&C was not a certified manufacturer in the early days-- maybe later, but I 
don't know.When we measured a boat, we often would find differences of 10% or 
so between stock boats, mostly higher that the sales brochure.
If you are truly interested in this topic you can download a copy of the IRC 
measurers hand book.I haven't kept up with the latest IRC happenings but the 
IRC rule is still being used around the world

G Donald Wagner

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