You'll want to look very closely for issues related to depreciation. If you have a policy in PDF format, you can do a search on words like "depreciate" "depreciation" and 20%" and you should find it.
Bruce Whitmore (847) 404-5092 (mobile) On Monday, November 11, 2019, 4:18:10 PM EST, Allen Miles via CnC-List <> wrote: I have agreed hull value with BoatUS. I don't remember seeing a change in coverage. Allen MilesS/v SeptimaC&C 30-2 Hampton, VA On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 4:39 PM David Risch via CnC-List <> wrote: I may be repeating myself here, but it bears repeating. Check your boat coverage. BoatIUS had reimbursement coverage before they switched to GEICO as their carrier last year. Now it is depreciated value coverage. Reimbursement coverage pays for replacing damages up to the agreed value. Depreciated coverage drops to 20% over time to where most of our boats would only receive 20% of fixing damages! I switched coverage when I learned of this and I still pay the same premium. I bring this up because one of our brethren has been caught by this issue after a recent incident. If your broker cannot find a reimbursement carrier, let me know. I will provide the contact info of my guy. _______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- _______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution --
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