I doubt I meet your requirement however.... a basic test:

Use a digital ohmmeter  to test for open, (none or poor conductivity)  short 
(no resistance between shield and centre conductor).

You will need a meter, and a short jumper wire with alligator clips each end.  
Use the resistance scale (ohms).   

 To test, measure resistance between the pin and housing.  Should be infinite 
(meaning they are not accidentally connected to each other).   If there is 
conductivity, one of the terminations has allowed the shield to contact the 
conductor.  You will need to redo.

  If ok, then use the jumper cable to connect the pin to the housing at one end 
and measure again at the other.  This time there should be conductivity with 
some resistance (cumulative effect of a long run of cable, out and back)

If the jumper test shows infinite resistance, then you have either jumpered 
poorly or one of the connections .... isn’t.  Redo.

Wiggle and yank each connection then test again.


Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 9, 2019, at 11:43 AM, David Risch <davidrisc...@msn.com> wrote:
> I just replaced the VHF wire in my mast and crimped on new connectors.  Would 
> like to test it to make sure all is well before the mast goes up in the 
> spring.  Any suggestions from those much smarter than I regarding these 
> matters?
> Thanks in advance.

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