Gord, thanks for those details. 

I would very much appreciate photos of your setup whenever you are able to take 

Adrian Humphreys
Epilogue, Rockport ME
C&C 33-2 

> On Sep 28, 2019, at 5:28 PM, Gordon Tidmarsh <w...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> Installed a Lewmar Proline horizontal windlass in the anchor locker on my 
> 33-2. Best investment I have made. 
> Considered a vertical capstan style windlass but liked the enclosed motor in 
> the Proline body.  No chance of damage during anchor deployment when chain is 
> run out!  Had a SS bracket fabricated to mount on bulkhead – offset mounted 
> to allow rode to clear forestay during recovery. Used a stainless steel plate 
> to reinforce bulkhead. Use foot switches rather than remote to operate 
> windlass.  Anchor rode is 100’ 5/16 G4 chain and 165’ 9/16 3 strand nylon 
> with 22lb Bruce anchor. Anchor nestles nicely on the existing bow roller.  
> Only mod was a bar over roller to prevent anchor jumping off in rough seas. 
> Generally anchoring in 25 to 50’ of water.  Extra chain allows us to reduce 
> scope in crowded anchorages.  Usually recovering 125’ to up to 200’ of rode 
> after each set.  Extra chain has done wonders in reducing boats tendency to 
> sail around when at anchor. 
> Anchor locker is too shallow to allow rode to free fall into locker below 
> windlass so have to use a 3’ hardwood dowel to move the recovered rode away 
> from the windlass during recovery.  Necessary to avoid the rode jambing in 
> the gypsy.
> Installed washdown pump to reduce the mess in the locker if anchorage is 
> muddy. 
> Windlass installed by yard in 2013 and works very well.  Had to replace gypsy 
> this spring. Worn and wouldn’t grab rope. 
> Hope this is useful. Unfortunately, cannot provide any photos until November. 
> If desired, can provide when I return.
> Good luck
> Gord Tidmarsh
> Brentwood Bay, BC


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