I have the ones that hang on the lifelines . I also have two plastic ones 
mounted to the pedestal 

Sent from Joe Bognar

> On Sep 30, 2019, at 8:27 AM, T Smyth via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
> wrote:
> This may seem frivolous but I recognized a serious need for cockpit cup 
> holders during a recent outing on Shangri-La.
> I am looking for recommendations for types of and recommended locations for 
> cockpit cup holders on a C&C 30 MK1 (1974).
> There are lots of possibilities. I’m looking for something that is 
> aesthetically pleasing and functional and will not interfere with activity in 
> the cockpit.
> Horizontal and vertical examples include https://amzn.to/2nJuNqe and 
> http://bit.ly/2nMnWML
> What has worked well for you? Thanks for sharing any experiences and ideas if 
> you have a moment.
> …. Cheers!
> Tom
> C&C 30 (1974)
> Augusta GA
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