I have had (4) Group 31 Firefly Oasis carbon-foam AGM batteries (in parallel) 
on board Rainy Days for nearly five years now and I love them.  They can cycle 
deeper than conventional batteries and have a greater cycle life.  In 
performance, they are between Lithium and conventional AGMs.  They are still 
rather heavy and expensive ($500 each) but very reliable.

In addition, I do not have them broken into two banks like many people do.  I 
have 340 watts of good quality flexible solar panels and very good MPPT 

We are year-round cruisers.   You may think that the maintenance is minimal on 
flooded cells but it would be added to all the other boat maintenance I have to 

I don’t know why no one has mentioned these in the discussion of batteries.


There is no way that I would use flooded cells while this technology is 
available.  Also, batteries, in my opinion, are not a place to go cheap.

Bob Boyer
s/v Rainy Days
C&C Landfall 38 (Hull # 230)
(Presently in Baltimore for the summer)
blog: dainyrays.blogspot.com
email: dainyr...@icloud.com

> On Sep 24, 2019, at 12:47 PM, Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Paul,
> in your calculations, you can assume 30% of usable capacity of a normal 
> flooded battery (from 50% SoC to 80% SoC), which would shift the calculations 
> a bit towards the Lithium batteries. The problem is that you would need a 
> completely new charging system, which would throw the calculations in the 
> opposite direction.
> Another consideration is weight. The LiFe batteries would be (roughly) 1/4 of 
> the flooded.
> And yet another dimension – usability, or maintainability. The flooded 
> batteries are very easy to maintain, most people know (or should) how to use 
> them and even if we murder them occasionally (more often than we want to 
> admit), they are cheap to replace. I think, this is the biggest advantage and 
> the reason why LiFe are not gaining enough momentum. Maybe we need to give 
> them a few years...
> Marek
> 1994 C270 Legato
> Ottawa, ON
> From: Dreuge via CnC-List
> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 10:03
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Cc: Dreuge
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Flooded Batteries
> While I have been looking into LiFe batteries, I still think Trojan T105 
> provide the best bang for the buck.  Cost have come down a little for lithium 
> batteries, and with industry leaders like Trojan now selling these 
> batteries(already at better $/AH), I’m expecting reasonable price drops in 
> the coming years.
> For example, a pair of T105 provides 115 usable AH (50% of 230AH @ 12V) for 
> total price of $280.    The Trojan Trillium TR 12.8 110 provides 100 useable  
> AH (90% of 110AH @ 12V) for a price just over $1,000.   If I had to replace 
> my house bank today, I would go with 4 Trojan T105.  Worst case they would 
> last 4-5yrs but likely longer.   In 5 years, one should not be surprised to 
> see lithium prices drop by more than 25% (i.e. a cost saving of about $550 or 
> the cost of the 4 Trojans).
> I know folks who highly recommend the Sam’s Club GC2 Duracell batteries.  
> While I’m a fan of the Trojan quality, at $90/battery or $360 for 215 usable 
> AH (50% of 430 AH), the Sam’s Club option is worth looking at especially if 
> one is considering going with LiFe batteries later rather than sooner.  To be 
> fair, if I was full time cruising, I would weigh the sooner rather than the 
> later.
> just my two bits,
> Paul
> -
> Paul E.
> 1981 C&C Landfall 38 
> S/V Johanna Rose
> Fort Walton Beach, FL
> http://svjohannarose.blogspot.com/
>> On Sep 23, 2019, at 8:16 PM, cnc-list-requ...@cnc-list.com wrote:
>>> On 9/22/2019 10:28 PM, Peter Cowenhoven via CnC-List wrote:
>>> Anyone still use flooded batteries.  Looking to replace 3 weak batteries
>>> that are causing engine startng issues.
>>> Are the AGM or Gel batteries worth the $$ s.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Peter Cowenhoven
>>> Branford CT
>>> Landfall 35
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