Thank-you Rob. I'm just glad to know I didn't make any mistakes with
re-assembly. You built an amazing boat and I truly love it.

So far all of the information I've gathered from you, and this list since
I've started reading it has been incredible. There's a sinking feeling one
gets when you discover something (anything) on an aging boat that seems to
put your safety, wallet or sanity into question. Having feedback and
support like this is truly everything.

Thanks everyone!

On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 2:08 PM Rob Ball via CnC-List <>

> The engine and Propeller are installed at an angle, because the rotation
> of the prop will kick the boat to one side.  The angle is an effort to work
> against that to balance it out.
> That decision is made when building the first hull of that model and you
> can imagine that the engine and propeller that is planned at that moment is
> only a guess.  Different motors and props will act in different ways . . . .
> So, it’s hard to know if this is what you are feeling . . . . .
> Cheers,   *Rob Ball  **C&C 34*
> Matthew L. Wolford <>
> *Sent:* Monday, September 16, 2019 11:38 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List New Rudder Steering Tugging
> A lot of C&Cs (including my 42 and my prior 34) have the shaft offset just
> a bit to cause what you’re describing.  Perhaps Rob can explain why they
> did that.
> *From:* Dan via CnC-List <>
> *Sent:* Monday, September 16, 2019 11:20 AM
> *To:* CNC boat owners, cnc-list <>
> *Cc:* Dan <>
> *Subject:* Stus-List New Rudder Steering Tugging
> Hi all,
> So I recently rebuilt my rudder and re-installed it on Breakaweigh.
> We took the boat out yesterday and I noticed when under diesel power that
> the wheel is lightly tugging to the port side. I'm not entirely sure if it
> did that before or if this is a new tugging. If I were to completely let go
> of the wheel the boat would automatically start a broad turn to port just
> like your car is supposed to always veer to one side to get you off the
> road (so I've heard)
> My question is - is this due to the movement/rotation of water from the
> prop at 2000 rpm moving water accross the rudder (is this a typical
> rudder/prop thing?) OR do I need to adjust the tension in my rudder cables,
> OR is my rudder very slightly miss-shapen causing a minor lift" to one side?
> When I re-attached the rudder I referenced photos I took of my rudder
> cables where they are attached to the quadrant before hand so I could
> closely match the threading on each side so that the tensions would be the
> same as before. (theoretically)
> Thanks everyone,
> Dan
> Breakaweigh
> C&C44
> Halifax, NS
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