Gosh, I haven't heard Scott-Atwater in decades.  My Dad bought an old used
Elgin 5 hp outboard in the 50's.  We would rent a skiff from a marina in
Big Lagoon near Pensacola, attach the Elgin and go fish near Fort Pickens.
I sail Touche' near Fort Pickens nearly every week and was just in Big
Lagoon a couple weeks ago.

We occasionally dine at Flounders Restaurant on Pensacola Beach.  For
decor, they have lots of old outboards hanging above the tables.  I often
wonder if my Dad's old Elgin is one of them.

Another tale, when I bought Touche' the old Atomic 4 hadn't been run in
years.  Took me a while to get it running.  When I finally got it started I
wanted to clean the valve train and top works.  An old shade tree mechanic
trick is to throttle it up and pour automatic transmission fluid in the
carburetor.  Do NOT do this when folks are in your marina.  It smokes like
crazy.  I waited until late evening when the marina was deserted.

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

On Sun, Sep 1, 2019 at 2:29 PM Russ & Melody via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> As a further aside, I bought an old Scott-Atwater 20 HP motor from an
> auction, when I was 13 or 14 years old. I put it on my 12' plywood runabout
> but it was unreliable due to poor compressor. Stories and folk lore of the
> day led us to belive that Bon-Ami (a cleaning powder) could restore an
> engine.
> We.., be damned. It did. A friend spooned almost half a small box into the
> carburetor while I had it at WOT. The motor revs started climbing and the
> boat got up on plane. That old O/B ran another two season before I got a
> nice used Mercury 20 HP. I suspect the powder gunked up the piston &
> cylinder so much to take out a bunch of clearance.
> I would not recommend the practice.
>         Cheers, Russ
>         ex-* Sweet *35 mk-1
> At 10:14 AM 9/1/2019, you wrote:
> As an aside, in high school I had a 48 Ford with a flat head V 8.  I
> wanted to treat it good so instead of using regular 30 weight I used a nice
> detergent 10-30.  The detergent cleaned the gunk out of the bearings and
> engine pretty much fell apart, blowing out so much oil that a could not see
> out the rear view mirror.
> Tom Buscaglia
> S/V Alera
> 1990 C&C 37+/40
> Vashon WA
> P 206.463.9200
> C 305.409.3660
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