My 2GMF 13HP on my 29 mk 2 is dropping RPMs at max throttle under load. It
also appears to drift a bit while operating at a fixed throttle. Tied at
the dock forward seems to have more difficulty that reverse. I should be
able to get up to 3200-3400 RPM (and have been able to in recent times with
no issue, but I'm only getting to about 2500-2800. When I open the throttle
wide it in gear it initially goes to high RPMs and then drops back. I
replaced the fuel filter and the symptom remains the same. Any thoughts on
what to look for and approaches to debug?

I've got the service manual and Don Casey's book on small engines, but
nothing is matching the symptoms in trouble shooting exactly well.

So my theories are (in approximate order of suspicion from my novice
perspective based on reading)

Governor is faulty and needs adjustment
Injector faulty
Fuel pump issue
Air/water in fuel (I think I've mostly ruled this out)

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