I have also used Vivid for several years and the results are similar and 
decent.  Very little hard growth and mostly slime that wipes off easily.  
However, I have found it to be an ablative paint, not a hard paint and have 
read user reviews that agree.  Even with a microfiber cloth, I get a cloud of 
white when I clean and I have had to add a coat each spring to patch up thin 
areas.   I would say overall, it is much like the Micron CSC that I used to use 
(but I like being able to see what is accumulating with the white bottom).  As 
to speed, who knows.  We do well in our fleet but presumably a burnished hard 
would be faster.  Dave

S/V Aries
1990 C&C 34+
New London, CT

> On Aug 2, 2019, at 4:38 PM, Charlie Nelson via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Have been using Petit Vivid on bottom in the Neuse for several years with 
> reasonable results. Hull is  cleaned by diver monthly.
> Black Widow failed in less than 1 year.
> Yard is recommending I try an ablative.
> List opinions welcome assuming both do their job discouraging hull growth.
> Charlie Nelson
> 1995 C&C 36XL/kcb
> Water Phantom
> Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
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