Clean the wire connections at the control head. The ground wire connection
caused a similar problem with my Raymarine autopilot.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 8:48 PM Bill via CnC-List <>

> Well, I did the turns, and it is still 135° off. I guess I will have to
> dig a Little deeper. Maybe It has something to do with how the boat is
> rotated.
> On Jun 27, 2019 1:11 PM, Bill <> wrote:
> There is an RFC 35r rate compass installed. I'm assuming it would be a
> fluxgate, probably 2002 vintage.
> Good call.
> This has me thinking. I just brought it up on the screen and I can
> actually calibrate it . I couldn't figure out how in the world I would do
> that,  because they are so old and different. But it looks like when we get
> back to Port, I will do my turns. And see if something magical happens.
> Bill
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