Yes, apparently that is what happened.  Until there was a Rhode Island
Plant the Manufacturer's code (MIC) for C&C Yachts was CCY.  Once C&C
started manufacturing in the USA the CCY designation was moved to the US
plant and Canada got a new code, ZCC.  I read that somewhere in the past,
but I don't know where.

There is this post, from Stu's lost from 5 years ago:

Re: Stus-List Hull Numbers

Bill Bina - gmail via CnC-List
 Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:12:51 -0700
C&C MIC changed when they opened the second plant in Middletown, RI. All C&C
boats prior to that opening were MIC=CCY. After the Middletown plant went
into operation, Middletown became CCY, and Canadian C&C's switched to ZCC.
The change occurred in February 1976. A 1974 boat, therefore would have CCY
as the MIC code as it predates the Middletown plant opening.

Bill Bina

There is this 12 year old post on the internet that says essentially the

*Posted:* 7:26:22 pm on 9/20/2007 *Modified:* Never

Here is some interesting information. Please take this with a grain of salt
since it is part conjecture and based on web sources...

The US Coast Guard MIC database shows the CCY number being used for two
locations, C&C 1226 White Oaks Blvd, Oakville Ontario, as of 4/83 and for C
& C Yachts Incorporated, Middletown, RI from 4/13/78 to 11/6/85. They also
show the ZCC number being used from 12/12/1974 to 6/21/2004 (this entry was
made on 10/4/1994 proving that the USCG can predict the future with some
certainty). They also show XYB for C&C Imports/Holland from 1/27/1974 to

Finally I ran across a website of a surveyor in Canada who states that
Transport Canada did not officially agree to the numbering system until

There are a number of addresses associated with these records so my
suspicion is that a couple of things has happened. First is that C&C was
doing their best to comply with the changing US regulations while this
numbering system was being initiated. Since they did not technically have
to comply under Canadian law there may have been some "flexibility" in
their application. There is one photo example on the surveyors site where
the CCY number did not match the US format.

Next I believe that David is right in that the numbering system was
actually assigned to C&C marketing groups. In some of the early boats this
may mean that the numbering did not have a relationship to a specific
factory until the foreign (read non-Canadian) plants were initiated. For
most boats this will not have a bearing on how the read the HIN number,
just a few of the early ones. Boats may not be delivered in the sequence
that they were ordered meaning that some hulls may have been been at the
factory longer than others. My boat was started on down payment and
completed on final payment if I read the build documenmts right.

In any case I'll rest my head the same as always, knowing that I have a
great little yacht made by a bunch of people who knew what they were doing,
no matter how she is numbered. Tomorrow I'm going sailing!

Mike M
SV Wind Horse
Galveston, Tx

Ken H.

On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 at 16:09, Bill Coleman via CnC-List <> wrote:

> This seems backwards,
> Mine is a CCY built in NOL, they didn’t even have a Rhode Island Plant
> back then.
> Regards,
> Bill Coleman
> Ex C&C39 Erie
> *From:* CnC-List [] *On Behalf Of *robert
> via CnC-List
> *Sent:* Sunday, June 02, 2019 9:02 PM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* robert
> *Subject:* Stus-List Help needed C&C 44
> Patrick:
> The HIN on the transom or inside a locker should tell you where the boat
> was built.
> CCY is the Rhode Island
> <> plant
> ZCC is the Niagara on the Lake plant.
> Robert Abbott
> C&C 32 - 84
> Halifax, N.S.
> On Jun 2, 2019, at 3:34 PM, CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
> The HIN identifies place of origin. Is there no HIN stamped into the
> transom? The HIN will also be on your title and documentation.
> Chuck S
> On June 2, 2019 at 6:13 PM Patrick Gateley via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm in the process of purchasing a 1988 C&C 44 and my customs broker is
> giving me a hard time about its place of manufacturing. As far as I can
> tell, all C&C 44s after the prototype were built in Middletown, Rhode
> Island. Does anyone know how I can prove this to the broker?
> Thanks so much,
> Patrick Gateley
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