-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of JP Mail via 
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 3:45 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Cc: JP Mail <jon.peterpr...@gmail.com>
Subject: <EXTERNAL> Re: Stus-List Free 35'

Oh jeez!
I went down there, found a 35 and sailed it home. I hope it was the right one. 

I probably shouldn't encourage you but I laughed out loud for the first time 
today because of that post. Thanks.

Steve Staten
"C'Est La Vie"
26 C&C
Langley, Oklahoma

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Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
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