Hi Adam,

I replaced my ceiling panels with 3/16 starboard.  Tho fiberglass wall panels 
from Home Depot are very flimsy so I was concerned they would rattle or sag 
over time if I didn’t laminate them to something else. Starboard was easy to 
cut on my table saw and round the corners with a router or hand plane.  I used 
the old panels as a template. Starboard is a bit heavier than the original 
plywood but it isn’t that big a difference.  I Screwed them back in with flat 
head sheet metal screws and stainless steel decorative washers.  Reasonably 
happy with the result and should be maintenance free.  Get the starboard from 
McMastercarr they have the 3/16 and it is - lot cheaper than the boat places 
generally. Since shipping was a lot for a big sheet I did the larger panels in 
two pieces out of 2x4 foot stock if I remember correctly.  The white panels 
help to brighten the interior a lot.
Not sure what to tell you on the leaks - I am having similar problems with 
water getting in above the port bulkhead (and elsewhere) and haven’t solved it 
yet either.  Wondering if it might be coming in around the mast collar plate. 
Need to investigate further at some point. 

- -
Nathan Post
S/V Wisper C&C34
Lynn MA, USA

> On Apr 20, 2019, at 6:26 AM, Adam Hayden via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello Listers
> We have pretty major water intrusion coming in on the port side by the 
> bulkhead in the salon of our C&C 36. The water is gathering on the edge of 
> the fibreglass headliner and running into the storage cupboards.  I have 
> rebedded the chain plates and handrails.  The stanchions are too far 
> outboard.  Any suggestions?
> Also this has been discussed before.  Has anyone replaced ceiling panels and 
> used velcro to hold them in?  What was the best material? I have thought of 
> those fibreglass panels found at home depot but seems pretty messy to cut.  
> Adam
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