Might that require the thermostat to be open before it will circulate the 
water?Just wondering,Bruce Whitmore 1994 C&C37/40+"Astralis"Sent from Samsung 
-------- Original message --------From: Morgan Ellis via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Date: 4/11/19  9:11 AM  (GMT-05:00) To: 
cnc-list@cnc-list.com Cc: Morgan Ellis <mje.mjel...@gmail.com> Subject: Re: 
Stus-List Universal engine coolant drain plug Hi David, do you have engine 
heated hot water on your boat? If so, you could disconnect those hoses. Run one 
to an empty 5 gal bucket and the other to one with fresh water. Run the engine 
until the fluid coming out is clear. You could do this a couple of time to 
flush the system then refill with DH2O and glycol. I haven't tried this, but it 
is likely what I would attempt.

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