Definitely go with a media blasting.  When I had the mast repainted the
shop sandblasted it.  Unfortunately they couldn't get all the sand out of
the 60' horizontal aluminum tube and some stayed with the wire lubricant
even after they stood the mast up - points for co2(dry ice).  I don't think
you'll have the same trouble with your 4' aluminum tube.  Soda, walnuts,
and co2 are popular for bottom paint, I'm not sure if they will be
aggressive enough for more durable finishes found above the waterline.
Most body shops and machine shops have blasting booths and could make very
short work of your pedestal.  Probably pretty cheap.  Or you could DIY, but
the air compressor volume requirements of sand blasting are pretty intense
for a home equipment.

Aircraft remover is nasty stuff.  Very toxic.  Can be found in the autobody
section of auto stores.

Klean-Strip EAR322 Aerosol Aircraft Remover, 18-Ounce

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019, 4:25 PM Dennis C. via CnC-List <

> Since I've decided to remove Touche's steering pedestal for refurbishing,
> a buddy of mine has offered to prime it and shoot it with Awlgrip left over
> from painting his mast.
> The issue now becomes removing the old powder coat.  I researched the
> topic and found a lot of comments about Benco B-17.  However, this stuff
> seems really nasty.  Not to mention the smallest quantity available is 5
> gallons which leaves me with a disposal problem.
> Couple sites mention aircraft stripper, whatever the heck that is.
> There are local shops where I can get it media blasted.
> Not excited about sanding or wire brushing.  Any options I'm missing?
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
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