Hi Tom,

I knew about the Yachtworld listing for Pegaso but it was so depressing to
see I didn't include it in my article.  I was in touch with one of the
couples that sailed her around the world.  The following is part of her

Hi Ken

We were thrilled to get your letter and hear of your interest in the C&C.

We donated Pegaso to a charity in the northeast that trained at-risk
youngsters in boat maintenance around 2000.  Recently I got an email from a
young couple who found the derelict hull in a boat yard.  Pegaso has been
stripped and left to rot.  They fell in love with the beauty of what was
left and their dream is to buy what's left of her and rebuild to
circumnavigate.  It is heartbreaking for Pegaso was a spectacular boat--an
incredibly comfortable sailing boat.  I always felt safe and wrapped in
loving arms when underway.  Even though we had a few harrowing passages,
after all was said and done, we would look back on the passage and say
"that wasn't as bad as we thought thanks to Pegaso"

Pegaso was built by Jorge (a Mexican businessman) and his wife Herta (a
German).  They designed her to sail around the world alone with no crew and
so had a backup for everything on board.  Jorge even said they had a double
hull.  They rented a place near the boat yard thinking it was going to be
one year to build but ended up being two years and double the estimate.
Jorge said the final bill was one million.  But they did circumnavigate for
3 years I think.  And Pegaso was our dream boat and easy to handle for the
2 of us also.

After receiving your email I got curious about Jorge and I think I found
his obit online.

All the best, Alicia

On Sat, 12 Jan 2019 at 12:35, T Sutton <t.sut...@bmts.com> wrote:

> ...and if anyone wants to acquire one of these classic boats......
> https://www.yachtworld.com/core/listing/cache/searchResults.jsp?man=C%26C&is=false&type=%28Sail%29&luom=126&fromLength=50&toLength=62&fromYear=1967&toYear=1996&pricderange=Select+Price+Range&Ntt=&fromPrice=0&toPrice=&searchtype=homepage&cit=true&slim=quick&ybw=&sm=3&Ntk=boatsEN&currencyid=100
> https://www.sailboatlistings.com/view/50463
> Cheers,
> Tom S

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