I have these on both cockpit locker lids: https://www.amazon.com/Moonlite-Marine-Medium-Hatch-Holder/dp/B008Y2H5TU
They are great for keeping the lid propped open. The downside is you need to train your crew to pull on them to close the lid. If a crew tries to force the lid closed without pulling the spring, it will distort the spring and you have to buy a new one. Also have one on the navstation lid. I have replaced the hinges with new ones and overbored and filled all the holes. Dennis C. Touche' 35-1 #83 Mandeville, LA On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 10:45 AM Don Kern via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: > Dennis > > To avoid being trapped we have attached a length of shockcord to the back > side of the latch so it hangs down into the locker. It is a straight > section going to a loop. The straight section's end has a small diameter > copper pipe that has been crimped flat (using a vice in my workshop) then > having holes drilled so matches the cover's latch holes. The other end > forms a loop by crimping. That loop is just long enough to go over the > main winch and keep the seat/cover open. > > My biggest problem has been with the three hinges in that they have > cracked/broken. It seems that the back edge of the seat/cover was not > sealed and and the core compressed allowing shear across the face of the > hinge. All have been replaced which is a two man job, one inside with a > nut driver trying to not loose the nuts/washers to the bilge god and the > other topside doing the screwing. > Don Kern > Fireball 35-2, 12708 > Bristol, RI > > > > >
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