Len, I've considered the same thing and even gone so far as to use a meter
to check continuity between the tank and the anode.  I've never found a
discontinuity.  It goes to my earlier reply that these "sealants" are not
actually supposed to seal pipe joints.  What they do is lubricate the
threads and allow the joint to be tightened further than without.  The seal
ultimately comes from the metal to metal contact between the two pieces.
One could argue that the sealant packs into the interstitial spaces of the
threads and lands - and it may if too much sealant is used or the joint is
not tightened enough - however, a leak tight connection is almost always
achievable without lubricant or with even the lightest weight lubricant.
It is also within reason to argue that certain lubricants/sealants
limit/eliminate corrosion and thus facilitate removal of the fitting in the

As stated before, I've had more fittings leak because of too much
sealant/Teflon tape then because of too little.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019, 11:28 AM Len Mitchell via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com wrote:

> Just thinking about the replies, the threads are tapered so that will help
> seal the connection. I have had success with tape and liquid pipe thread
> sealant on water heaters before but do anodes have to be electrically
> grounded or connected to the surrounding metal? If the answer is yes, is
> there a dialectic sealant? Len
> Sent from my iPad
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