Mark — I would NOT consider the i40 system for wind; your only choice for a wind transducer is one suitable only for power boats.
The i70 is a nice system; and yes, you do get water temp with it, as the transducer is a single depth/speed/temp transducer. And you get a much better wind transducer. — Fred Fred Street -- Minneapolis S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI :^( > On Dec 18, 2018, at 3:10 PM, Dr. Mark Bodnar via CnC-List > <> wrote: > > I'd appreciate some advice regarding a non-functioning depth sounder. > > Near the end of the season my depth sounder started reading 0 no matter the > condition. I couldn't find any obvious explanation for the problem - but I'm > thinking that the Autohelm depth and speedo are original to the 1986 boat - > so likely better to suck it up and replace than to jury rig a repair or sink > money into a new transducer. > > Should I just replace the broken depth and worry about the speedo at at > another time? Anyone think it's better to do a whole package? > > I have a Raymarine wheel pilot (waiting for me to install) - so I assume the > smart move would be to stick with the same product line. Such as - Raymarine > i40 Depth System with Thru-Hull Transducer E70142. With the Binnacle a new > depth sounder $340, and a new speedo ($350) combined for almost $700 - would > I be better to add a whole package with wind instruments? > > Raymarine i70s Instrument Value Pack Speed Depth Wind T70226 - > <> - $1600 cdn at > Binnacle (I wouldn't mind if I could get water temp as well but don't know if > that's an option with Raymarine). > > Another option - someone on this list suggested SailTimer as a better option > for wind instruments. > > Thanks in advance > > Mark >
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