This is a tangent off the original question, but does anyone know what 
to do with the old antifreeze?  My city will take motor oil but not antifreeze. 
  It’s been holding me back from changing it out lately, but I really need to 
do in the spring.
Jim ReinardyC&C 30-2 “Firewater”Milwaukee, WI 

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On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 9:16 AM -0600, "Bruce Whitmore via CnC-List" 
<> wrote:

Hello Robert,
Below is a post I put on the board about a month ago, which speaks to the issue 
of the coolant itself.  Your boat may be sufficiently old that all its ever had 
is the standard green antifreeze, but nonetheless, you will probably find this 
interesting.  In the end, rather than having the concern about Dextron 
antifreeze causing head gasket leaks hang over my head, I am going to go with 
the newer "universal" long-life coolant, which I believe is yellow (though the 
color means nothing anymore).  As for the frequency of coolant changes, Yanmar 
now recommends changing it EVERY YEAR even if it is long-life coolant.  The 
primary job of coolant (other than keeping it from freezing) is stopping 
corrosion in the engine, and coolant breaks down over time (especially the old 
style green coolant).  This is why they developed "long life" coolant which is 
supposedly good for 5 years.  
So, I'll probably plan on replacing the coolant every 2 years at the same time 
I replace my impeller.
Hope you find the reading below helpful.
Hello all,
 a result of a concern about tracking down a potential antifreeze leak 
(which I haven't done yet), I wanted to confirm the coolant type.  There
 is no mention as to specific types either in my 3JH2E operating or 
service manuals.  Yes, I could go (way) out of my way to get Yanmar 
branded coolant, but let's face it - it is not only way more expensive, 
its available almost exclusively at Yanmar dealers, and the nearest one 
to me is 15 miles away and isn't open on Saturdays or Sundays.  And of 
course, what happens if you need more when you're out cruising?

 In doing research, I found the following bulletin, published by Mack Boring:

In the section about coolants, it recommends:
 Long Life Coolant, numbers 7991 and 7998.  Unfortunately, one really 
can't find either product on the web, so I can't seem to find if it was 
orange (DEXCOOL) or red for diesels, or for that matter if it was 
ethylene glycol or propylene glycol based.

Havoline Extended Life Anti-Freeze/Coolant, number 7994.  Per this link, 7994 
is DEX-COOL, but is ethylene glycol based.

 Long Life Coolant, which at least at the time of introduction was 
propylene glycol based and is Organic Acid Technology (OAT) thus meaning
 less toxic.  Funny thing is, Dex-Cool was not even introduced until a 
year after my boat was built (1995) and at the time, was only being used
 in GM cars.  

Prestone Extended Life Coolant, product code AF888.  Per the attached, guess 
what, it's Dex-Cool.
 It is ethylene glycol based, but Prestone says it is OAT, which would 
seem to conflict with what I can find about traditional Dex-Cool. 

 entirely satisfied, I wanted to see what a Yanmar official publication 
recommended.  In a 2009 JH Series Operation Manual, it recommends Texaco
 7997 and 7998 (same as above).  It also recommends Havoline 7994, as 
above.  It however says nothing about Dex-Cool or Prestone AF888.  I get
 similar results in a 3JH4E manual.

 of course, I was faced with the fact that while I used Prestone AF888 
when I flushed and replaced my coolant, I was replacing what appeared to
 be traditional green coolant (presumably old-style ethylene glycol).  I
 only now read a lot of horror stories of replacing green with orange 
Dex-Cool, saying that one can never flush out the system sufficiently to
 keep the orange coolant from gelling to the point the engine 

 at this point I have no real idea what to thing other than the Prestone
 AF888 I used should be OK as long as it doesn't a).  Turn color  B) Gel
 up and c) My engine temperature stays OK.

Does anyone else here have anything more authoritative? (In the end I did not 
receive any posts that were more authoritative)
 Bruce Whitmore
1994 C&C 37/40+ "Astralis"
(847) 404-5092 (mobile)


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