Thanks Dennis!!! I did the final rinse with simple green. The brakekleen worked 
about as well as the Naptha I used on the other one! Took me half as long to 
break it down and clean it all. 

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On Sunday, November 4, 2018, 6:01 PM, Dennis C. via CnC-List 
<> wrote:

Wander the piers during the summer.  When you see a boat with grease oozing out 
of a winch, ask the owner what he used.  Don't buy it.
For the record, when I had my marine repair business, I maintained a lot of 
winches.  I cleaned them with Simple Green or, if really dry and stiff, mineral 
spirits followed by Simple Green.  I lubed them with Lewmar grease and oil.  
Never had any complaints.
Dennis C.Touche' 35-1 #83Mandeville, 

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