
I'm a fellow Afourian and I would say that the performance you are getting is impressive for a folding prop. My question with your setup is what happens in chop and waves? If you are satisfied with the rough weather performance and you want to stay with a folding prop, I don't think you would be able to do much (or any) better than what you have. The Indigo prop is very popular for direct drive A-4's and would give a substantial boost in rough weather performance. It would also increase the longevity of your engine by reducing the loads. Just for your information, My a-4 has a reduction gear and a 16x10 two blade fixed prop. Wide open throttle is 3200rpms and 6.5 knots. Cruise is 2500-2700 rpms (depending on the skippers mood) and 6-6.2 knots. Rough water really kills performance and I usually motorsail with the main. Joe is right on the money...

James Taylor


1976 C&C 38

Oriental, NC

On 10/30/2018 10:04 AM, David Morris via CnC-List wrote:

I determined at haulout this weekend our newly-acquired 1975 C&C 30 MKI, Atomic 4, direct drive is equipped with a Gori two-blade folding prop, measuring approx. 11.5”. I have neither the experience or expertise to know if this is a great prop for the boat, a lousy one, or, more likely, somewhere in between. After a major tune-up on the engine, we seemed to be able to run at around 6.2 knots in relatively calm water. Any advice, suggestions, observations anyone would care to offer on prop selection would be much appreciated.

David J. Morris, MBA
President, D.J. Morris & Associates Ltd.
427 Division Street, Kingston, ON Canada K7K 4A8
Tel. 613-531-4429
email: djmor...@djma-ltd.com
Member: Professional Writers Association of Canada
Blogging at: http://davidmorrisjourneys.wordpress.com/

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