David, Three counters on my boat are Formica.  Its a good product.  I had my 
first experience with it over last winter.  I applied it to the marine plywood 
that I used to make the settee fronts in the main salon.   You saw them on 
Sunday.  Not very difficult at all.  It is a bit unforgiving as, once the two 
pieces meet there is no adjustment.  Usually, you have to overhang the edges 
and trim back so it's flush.  That gives you wiggle room.  Iss work with out 
again without hesitation and I have the roller you can borrow. 

Thanks, Danny
-------- Original message --------From: David via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Date: 10/17/18  5:59 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: CNC CNC 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Cc: David <davidrisc...@msn.com> Subject: Stus-List 
Galley countertop 

Love my 1981 40, but I am so tired of the teak countertops in the galley. Has 
anybody laid on top of the teak a formica like substance to  lighten up the 

From my Android....


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