If it’s a Whale Gusher, you can get a service kit e.g. 
I serviced Grenadine’s manual bilge pump (a Whale Gusher 10) with one of those 
kits a couple years ago after the diaphragm ruptured.  It’s worked fine since.

Randy Stafford
S/V Grenadine
C&C 30-1 #7
Ken Caryl, CO

> On Oct 17, 2018, at 2:53 PM, Chris Graham via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> The diaphragm on the manual bilge pump in the cockpit seems to be 
> compromised. Would one try to find a new diaphragm to replace it or install a 
> better system in the lazarette, such as a whale or something similar? 
> Do they even make replacement diaphragms for a 1978 26’?
> Chris 
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