Joel, make sure you bring the boat.  We all want to see if we're missing
out on anything.  A friend of mine is planning to attend with his Caliber


On Tue, Oct 9, 2018, 1:53 PM Josh Muckley <> wrote:

> No problem, love to see you at the rendezvous!
> On Oct 9, 2018 1:43 PM, "Joel Aronson via CnC-List" <>
> wrote:
> If it was the former owner, yes it was me.
> Sorry for the extra work!
> Joel
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 1:39 PM Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
>> This is awesome guys!  The comment RSVPs are blowing up!  Thanks!
>> Someone just responded with their intentions to attend but their name
>> didn't show up.  They inquired if former owners were welcome.  This wasn't
>> Joel was it?  It is helpful to know who is commenting.  And to answer the
>> question *yes everyone is invited*, former owners, non-owners, current
>> owners, future owners, etc.  The more the merrier.
>> Someone had asked in the past to live stream this event.  I hadn't
>> planned on acting on this request since it seemed beyond my abilities and
>> data limits.  Recently, I've been giving it some consideration and started
>> thinking that it wouldn't be too hard.  A Facebook live can be started and
>> anyone interested could "tune in" and comment to interact in real time.  I
>> don't think that much value would be achieved by having a general area
>> video that goes on 24/7 but I did start thinking that individual videos of
>> boat tours or demos might be useful.  If anybody has any ideas regarding
>> what they would like to see and how to achieve it I'd be happy to entertain
>> them.
>> I was also thinking that if anybody has a drove that it might make for
>> some entertaining pictures and videos.
>> Keep the comment RSVPs coming!
>> All the best,
>> Josh
>> On Tue, Oct 9, 2018, 11:11 AM Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hey fellow listers, we're about 2 weeks out from the first annual
>>> Mid-Atlantic C&C Rendezvous.  Here are the details.  Not that it makes much
>>> difference, but I've only received one formal response to the link below.
>>> I've received about 4 or 5 other informal responses.
>>> For anybody who needs a refresher on the details, here's the link.
>>> Carm and I are planning to have personal tours, rigging demos, cooking
>>> demos, engine demos, Q&A, cocktails, music, and a meet and greet.  We look
>>> forward to seeing y'all there!
>>> Josh Muckley
>>> S/V Sea Hawk
>>> 1989 C&C 37+
>>> Solomons, MD
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each
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>>> _______________________________________________
>> Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each
>> and every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list -
>> use PayPal to send contribution --
> --
> Joel
> 301 541 8551
> _______________________________________________
> Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each
> and every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list -
> use PayPal to send contribution --

Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
to send contribution --

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