Thanks for your effort!!!!

It was a 1976 (75?) vintage and name "Navigo 2"; latin "I sail", my first boat 
was Navigo. I wonder where the C&C25 is, it kind of disappeared from the area.


On Fri, 10/5/18, Don Kern via CnC-List <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: Stus-List Update to "How long owned a C&C"
 To: "Leslie Paal via CnC-List" <>
 Cc: "Don Kern" <>
 Date: Friday, October 5, 2018, 9:23 PM
 The total spreadsheet is tracking
 previous owned C&Cs. However, it is 
 too big to send via CnC-list, so you
 are just seeing the current 
 ownership. I do have the data on your
 C&C 25 and that you owned it 14 
 years, but not its name nor vintage.
 On 10/5/2018 12:24 PM, Leslie Paal via
 CnC-List wrote:
 > couple items:
 > - Pasadena is in CA (L.A. county)
 > - I owned a C&C25 before, did
 not see it.  Maybe the info did not yet make the
 > Leslie.
 > On Thu, 10/4/18, Don Kern via
 CnC-List <>
 >   Subject: Stus-List Update
 to "How long owned a C&C"
 >   To: "T Smyth via CnC-List"
 >   Cc: "Don Kern" <>
 >   Date: Thursday, October 4,
 2018, 4:06 PM
 >   This is an update to the
 spread sheet
 >   (attached) from the replies
 >   Jack's request, in which I
 have added
 >   emails addresses.
 >   Please let me know by
 email, if you
 >   want to make corrections to
 the list.
 >   Best regards,
 >   Don Kern
 >   Fireball - 12708
 >   1974 C&C 35 Mk2
 >   Bristol, RI 02809
 >   Thanks everyone for
 supporting this list with your
 >   contributions.  Each and
 every one is greatly
 >   appreciated.  If you want
 to support the list - use
 >   PayPal to send contribution
 >   -----Inline Attachment
 > Thanks everyone for supporting
 this list with your contributions.  Each and every one
 is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the
 list - use PayPal to send contribution --
 Thanks everyone for supporting this
 list with your contributions.  Each and every one is
 greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list -
 use PayPal to send contribution --


Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
to send contribution --

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