Hi Wade,

I had the exact same problem on my 30 MK I hull #7 (built September 1972) when 
replacing her exterior handrails two offseasons ago.  There’s a screw from the 
inside out, between the cabintop and the starboard bulkhead (or its trim) 
separating the settee from the hanging locker.  I wasn’t going to tear apart 
all that trim to get at that screw.  I removed the old exterior starboard 
handrail destructively from that screw, and clipped off the screw flush with 
the exterior cabintop.  As a result the new replacement handrail is fastened 
with only one screw, instead of two, at that handrail base.  The other screw 
head was under a metal cover button forward of the bulkhead above the shelf 
over the hanging locker.

I was so vexed by the problem initially that I actually called Gert Tiel who 
used to work at C&C NOTL from the mid-70s onward for advice.  See these 
and  http://cnc-list.com/pipermail/cnc-list_cnc-list.com/2017-March/192518.html 

Randy Stafford
S/V Grenadine
C&C 30-1 #7
Ken Caryl, CO

> On Aug 14, 2018, at 10:25 AM, Wade Harrogate via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have a question for the group and I am hoping someone has encountered this 
> problem before me.
> I had rain drops coming through my grab handle on the starboard side of my 
> boat. I decided I would take the inside and outside handles off to sand them, 
> varnish and then re-pot all the holes. Problem I ran into was, on the outside 
> grab handle, I could not locate one of the screws as it seems to blocked or 
> behind the bulk head. Does anyone have any knowledge of this and how to get 
> it off? I did find a broken screw where the drip was coming from, but now I 
> am having a problem finishing the job. Thanks for any suggestions, or help.
> Silik - 1974 C&C 30 Mk1
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