Have you checked the ground?

David F. Risch, J. D.

Gulf Stream Associates, LLC

(401) 419-4650

From: CnC-List <cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com> on behalf of SEAN CONNER via 
CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 4:20 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Stus-List C&C 34 - 3GM30F oil pressure warning - theory or solved?

After reading a bunch of old posts about oil pressure warnings, I wanted to 
share this scenario to see if anyone can impart any more wisdom about a theory, 
etc;   Our C&C 34 has a 3GM30F with a couple of thousand hrs. Engine runs like 
a top..change oil, filters, etc. religiously Only issue is grey smoke on hard 
start.. Maybe a small puff of blue, which I understand is not that uncommon. No 
smoke when running under load and no other issues. The other day we motored for 
1.5 hrs in flat seas and as we reduced RPM's the low oil pressure alarm 
sounded. Killed engine and checked oil- it was ~50% so added ~1/3L qt.  Checked 
for oil in bilge, exhaust and water in oil and everything was fine. Restarted 
engine and had same issue. Decided to motor back to mooring at about 2,200 rpm. 
After ~30 min or so, started to hear a slight chirping from the alarm and when 
reduced rpm it seemed to go off at an even higher rpm (2,000 maybe?). Shut it 
down and sailed home for 2hrs. Started engine to get to mooring and alarm 
persisted, but seemed to happen at lower rpms (~1,200?). Came home, read up on 
the digests and figured out my troubleshooting plan. First step, replace oil 
pressure switch/sensor.

Today, before replacing the sensor, I decided to start engine and do a more 
precise test on what rpm the alarm was sounded, but I could not recreate the 
issue (!?). Ran engine at 2,600 at mooring for ~15 min and no issue. Replaced 
the sensor anyway and everything seemed fine.

So the question is, did I solve the problem with the new sensor or is there 
another theory that could explain these symptoms? I won't have time to run 
engine at higher rpms for an extended period for a few days, so was hoping to 
get a bit more educated on next steps if the issue resurfaces. Will keep the 
board posted on what I learn and appreciate any other insights

Sean Conner/Ladyhawke

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