Read bang! Damn autocorrect!

Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 28, 2018, at 2:44 PM, John Irvin via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
> Recommend you look at Garhauer for your bang.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 28, 2018, at 2:08 PM, Nathan Post via CnC-List 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We finally have Wisper - our 1981 C&C 34 CB we purchased in May in the 
>> water!  Excited to take her for a first sail tomorrow from Scituate up to 
>> Lynn MA where we will be keeping her this season.  She was left on the hard 
>> by previously owner for two years so lots of cleaning and lots of projects 
>> completed, and of course still more to do.  A few highlights on where we are 
>> at:
>> Thanks to everyone for the feedback previously on the rudder - after 
>> drilling holes and draining I determined that it was definitely still solid 
>> and that the best thing to do was leave it as is - sealed up the holes with 
>> Thixo epoxy and then some barrier coat.  This fall when she is pulled I 
>> think I’ll install a couple of plugs to make draining easier in the future 
>> since keeping the water out doesn’t sound like a realistic possibility in 
>> the long run.
>> Refinished the cabin sole, replaced the removing ceiling panels with 3/16” 
>> Starboard.  Had the sails cleaned and mended.  Replaced the glow plug 
>> solenoid which had partially failed - the glow plugs were still getting 
>> power, but the electric fuel pump which it also runs was not.  Replaced the 
>> waste hoses and rebuilt the head.
>> I have also been following the bilge pump discussion and decided to install 
>> a primary 3.5 gal/min Whale diagram pump with a large low profile screen 
>> inlet and WaterWitch in addition to the rule 1500 with rule float switch and 
>> the hand pump.
>> Had New England Propeller rebuild the folding 2 blade prop at their strong 
>> recommendation to reduce slop and make the blade angles symmetric again - it 
>> took Ron a longer than I had hoped to complete it and was the main delay in 
>> getting launched the last few weeks, but it came out really nice so I think 
>> it was well worth doing.  Put the shaft back in with a new PSS shaft seal 
>> and new spit coupling (fit and faced by New England Prop as well) and 
>> everything went together smoothly.
>> We seem to have a very slow leak at or around one of the through hulls (the 
>> waste exit which we likely will not be using at all since we will be staying 
>> close to shore for now and getting pump outs), even after tightening the 
>> valve as much as I dared.  Probably only about a teaspoon or so an hour but 
>> if I dry the area off around it, it will get wet again.  Any suggestions?  
>> Thinking of just leaving it that way for this season until we pull her for 
>> the fall.
>> Still to be done: look into the propane system and getting that working 
>> again - probably need a new solenoid but I haven’t looked into that yet.  
>> Connect the new hot water heater.  Replace the faucets  in the head and 
>> galley, add a shower gray water pump, rig a new vang (the boat didn’t come 
>> with one), and perhaps have a dogger and bimini built for her.  Plus lots of 
>> little maintenance, teak refinishing, etc.
>> Looking to get some new propane tanks (11 lb tall version) as the ones she 
>> came with were very rusty.  Does anyone make a stainless steel version?  I 
>> might go aluminum I suppose if I can find one the right size and shape.
>> It would be fun to make it to the north east coast rendezvous at some point, 
>> but unfortunately we already have plans for that weekend this year and 
>> aren’t set up for cruising that far quite yet.  Maybe next year!
>> Nathan Post
>> S/V Whisper
>> 1981 C&C 34
>> Lynn, MA
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