  I read many, and teh Gougeon brothers manuals. By far I would recommend " The 
fiberglass boat repair manual " by Allan H Vaitses , excellent knowledge with 
real life experience and very objective in the subjects covered. He built 
boats, fixed other's mistakes and is a pleasure to read from page one to the 
end. Look at the cover and you can see the extend of knowledge described in 
this book.


No, my copy is not for sale!


    On Monday, July 23, 2018, 9:22:07 PM EDT, Brent Driedger via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:  
 Hi folks.  
I’ve worked with fibreglass for years and have pretty much memorized the West 
epoxy how-to book. I want to learn more about engineering the reinforcements 
and repairs I’m doing.  Can anyone in the know recommend a good text book on 
the subject of marine composites which goes into more depth than your typical 
toilet tank page flipper.  

Brent Driedger 
s/v Wild Rover
Lake Winnipeg. 

Sent from my iPhone


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