Barry — it sounds like the wiring to either the drive motor or the ACU are undersized. Pretty inexpensive to fix.
— Fred Fred Street -- Minneapolis S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- Bayfield, WI > On Jun 4, 2018, at 9:11 AM, Barry Lenoble via CnC-List > <> wrote: > > Hello, > > I have a C&C 110 with the Evo 100 wheel pilot. A friend of mine has a 35 > mark 3 and the same wheel pilot. I race on that boat and am on it > frequently. > > For my use (and his too) the Ray wheel pilot is adequate. I use the pilot > for short handed / single handed sailing in fair weather conditions. I don't > sail (on purpose) in bad weather and I don't expect the AP to do well in 25+ > winds downwind or in confused seas. The pilot does a great job under power. > It works great under sail in flat water and does OK upwind in moderate > waves. As the winds pick up it helps to have the boat a little undertrimmed. > > > I think I have a wiring problem on my boat as the voltage to the power unit > is always on the low side, even when the engine is running. As a result, if > the AP is really pressed hard I sometimes get a 'drive stopped' error and I > need to re-engage the AP. I do not see this problem on my friend's boat. > > The AP on my friend's 35 seems to work better than on my 110. Perhaps > because my boat is a little bigger? I don't really know. > > For me, the wheel pilot works good enough. I would rather have a below decks > pilot but the difficult and expensive installation made that out of my > budget. I paid $1100 for the pilot and under $300 for installation. > > Hope this helps. > Barry > > Barry Lenoble > <> > Deep Blue C, C&C 110 > Mt. Sinai, NY
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