The mast step on our 30-2 is aluminum, I would imagine that was the standard 
from the factory.  On mine, I have a good amount of room on the turnbuckles for 
the larger rod, but the smaller rod is getting closer.  I would think that one 
stretches a bit more with the smaller diameter rod.  One thing I have noticed 
with the rod is that once it gets tight, the tension changes rapidly, a 1/4 
turn can move the needle on my Loos gauge, so you might have more adjustment 
left than you think.
I struggled with how to adjust my rig until I borrowed the right Loos gauge 
from a list member and then bought one when I figured out what a difference it 
made.  I wish they were cheaper, but there is no real substitute.  There was 
one on eBay recently, so they do show up there once in a while.
Jim ReinardyC&C 30-2 “Firewater”Milwaukee, WI

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On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 9:25 PM -0500, "Chad Osmond via CnC-List" 
<> wrote:

I'll take a look at the mast shoe, I'm not sure what the 30-2 mast step is made 
from, but it did seem a lot easier to access the the 30-1 photos I've seen.


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