We replaced the main traveler with a Garhauer.  Sent the old track to Guido, he 
matched the mounting holes and sent the new track back.  Fit perfectly.

Neil Schiller
Old: 1970 Redwing 35, #7
New: 1983 C&C 35-3, #28
Whitehall, Michigan

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 14, 2018, at 9:53 AM, Jean-Guy Nadeau via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Call Garhauer. Theirs are cheaper, great quality and service is excellent. I 
> went for a MT-1 traveller. Speak to Guido. You will need exact details of the 
> location of the bolt holes so that they can duplicate the bolt pattern of 
> your existing track. I will send a PM to you with a copy of my invoice.
> NB. Mine was for a 35 MkII so yours might be slightly different in size but 
> model should work out well.
> Cheers, J-G 
> Callisto, C&C 35 Mk II
> Victoria, BC
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